Selamat Malam Dokter,
izin mengirimkan publikasi poster untuk CRUTCHES.
*IKFR UNPAD* dengan bangga mempersembahkan:
Current Rehabilitation Update in Daily Practices for General Practitioner
Special theme:
*"Scoliosis and Covid 19 Management from Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Point of View"*
*Sabtu-Minggu, 25-26 September 2021*
*Pukul 08.30 - 12.40 pm*
*Via Zoom Webinar*
Mau tau update mengenai Skoliosis dan COVID 19?
Yuk kita sama-sama update ilmu bersama dokter-dokter yang expert dan pengalaman di bidangnya. Selain itu, terdapat juga SKP IDI (dalam konfirmasi)
Join yuk!
1. Rehabilitation Approach for Pediatric Scoliosis: How Scoliosis Correction Improves Lung function in The Pandemic Situation
2. Latest Intervention of Scoliosis by The Orthopaedics
3. Resolving Pain in Scoliosis: A Complete Combination
4. The Highlight of Scoliosis Functional Examination in Pediatrics
5. Brace for Scoliosis: Use or Not?
6. Long COVID: What should we do?
7. Neurologic Complications and Rehabilitation Approach in Complicated COVID-19 Cases
8. Physical Fitness Recovery in COVID-19 Survivors
9. COVID and Geriatric Rehabilitation: What have we learned?
Next, ikuti alur pendaftaran ini:
1. Ikuti alur pendaftaran di Google Form
2. Tunggu konfirmasi Pendaftaran
3. Peserta akan kami kirimkan link zoom webinar H-3 hari
Early bird (27 Agustus - 10 September 2021)
Mahasiswa / Coass / Dokter Umum / PPDS : Rp 250.000,-
Dokter Spesialis : Rp 300.000,-
Regular (11 September - 23 September 2021)
Mahasiswa / Coass / Dokter Umum / PPDS : Rp 300.000,-
Dokter Spesialis : Rp 350.000,-
Contact Person:
dr. Abdullah : 08119223345
dr. Gweta : 0811893344
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